Wig Subsidy

The Wigs and Hairpieces Service Payment is a payment to people who suffer from serious hair loss because of a medical condition or from certain cancer therapies. The payments are to reduce the cost of purchasing and maintaining a wig or hairpiece or other related products.

Who can claim this subsidy?

You may claim this subsidy if you:

  • are a New Zealand citizen, or are ordinarily resident in New Zealand; and
  • have a medical condition that has caused you to lose your hair (like treatment for cancer, alopecia or other scalp conditions that cause hair loss). Your specialist or general practitioner (GP) needs to give you a current medical certificate with your NHI number, details of the hair loss condition and whether it is permanent or temporary.

What can I use this subsidy for?

The service payment is available to cover the cost of the following items:

  • wig or hairpiece
  • headwear (hats, caps, head coverings)

Your entitlement

If you are an adult (18 years or over) the amount you are entitled to depends on whether your hair loss is permanent or temporary. If you are under 18, your entitlement is the same whether the hair loss is temporary or permanent.

For adults (with permanent hair loss)

Your entitlement is $2330.66 (GST incl.) over a 9-year period. You can claim all or part of your $2330.66 (GST incl.) entitlement at any time over the 9-year entitlement period.

For adults (with temporary hair loss)

Your entitlement is $408.88 (GST incl.) over a 1-year period. You can claim all or part of your $408.88 entitlement at any time over the 1-year period.

For children (with temporary or permanent hair loss)

If you are under 18 your entitlement is $1226.66 (GST incl.) over a 3-year period or until you turn 18 if that happens first. You can claim all or part of your $1226.66 entitlement at any time over the entitlement period.

What if the wig or topper I choose, costs more than I am entitled to?

Where an item is purchased that is more than your entitlement balance, you are responsible for the additional cost. HAIR GENIE will process your claim and you will simply pay the additional amount over and above the subsidy. For example, if you have temporary hair loss and the wig or hairpiece you have chosen for your first purchase costs $495, the final cost to you will be $86.12.

What if my hair grows back and then I lose it again?

At the end of your temporary entitlement, if you lose your hair again and it is still considered temporary hair loss, your second claim is treated in the same way as your first claim. You will be eligible for an entitlement of $408.88 for a 1-year period from the date you make your first purchase after losing your hair again.

How do I claim?

Your GP or medical specialist will issue you with a medical certificate or letter. Once you have chosen your wig, hairpiece or head covering, HAIR GENIE will credit your entitlement towards the cost of your purchase. Further information is available on the Government website.